Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Big Brother's next weapon: Tracking your letters with microchip stamps

Beginning with bulk or commercial mail, the Postal Service will require "enhanced sender identification" for all discount-rate mailings, according to the notice published in the Oct. 21 Federal Register. The purpose of identifying senders is to provide a more efficient tracking system, but more importantly, to "facilitate investigations into the origin of suspicious mail." -Washington Times

Now, we're not even safe sending a love letter to the ones we care without the government knowing where it came from. Forget about sending that angry letter to a representative or congressman that didn't listen to your community's demands because very soon there will be a way to trace that letter directly back to you!

The USPS calls this new microchip tracking stamp as a way to keep the mail system more secure. I laugh at this. I think it's just another way of the government reaching deeper into our lives and keeping track over all the things we do. The ability to identify the sender in a quick and computerized way is extremely frightening. All those Anthrax scares in the mail post 9-11 really have hit our privacy and personal liberties extremely hard.

Identification requirements will be the next wave of the future. Every stamp on a package of envelope will be unique and trackable. Is anyone here thinking about privacy issues? Isn't sending mail an expression of free speech? With the anonymity of mail disappearing right before our very eyes, I see political speech eventually being manipulated as well.